January 2017 21
The biomechanics of rowing – book review
Posted By : sander

THE BIOMECHANICS OF ROWING By Dr Valery Kleshnev Crowood Press, 2016 (and just $30 on Amazon). [amazon_link asins=’1785001337′ template=’ProductCarousel’ store=’rowingdata-20′ marketplace=’US’ link_id=’cc537cfc-1f69-11e7-b7b4-83fc5e8f5bd4′] The myth of the perfect stroke? Rowing is a strange sport. It is

December 2016 28
What’s your maximum heart rate?
Posted By : Gregory Smith

Knowing your maximum heart rate is the starting point for doing heart rate based training.  Even if you you are not following a formal HR based plan, it can be useful to track HR statistics