March 2017 02
Call for Team and Coach testers
Posted By : sander

At we are adding support for teams and coaches. provides a rich set of tools to analyze data from training sessions, both on the water, and on ergs.  The new support will allow

February 2017 22
Making rowing data actionable
Posted By : sander

If you have some time, I really recommend you read this blog post. It is not about rowing but it is about running. Running and cycling are very much ahead of rowing in terms of

January 2017 21
The biomechanics of rowing – book review
Posted By : sander

THE BIOMECHANICS OF ROWING By Dr Valery Kleshnev Crowood Press, 2016 (and just $30 on Amazon). [amazon_link asins=’1785001337′ template=’ProductCarousel’ store=’rowingdata-20′ marketplace=’US’ link_id=’cc537cfc-1f69-11e7-b7b4-83fc5e8f5bd4′] The myth of the perfect stroke? Rowing is a strange sport. It is

December 2016 28
What’s your maximum heart rate?
Posted By : Gregory Smith

Knowing your maximum heart rate is the starting point for doing heart rate based training.  Even if you you are not following a formal HR based plan, it can be useful to track HR statistics