Rojabo is a popular site that generates indoor rowing training programs. Rojabo works really easy: You indicate when you want to train, give some information about yourself (age, background training level, season goals), perform two simple tests on the ergometer, and then the site calculates a training program that helps you improve your erg scores and achieve your training goals.
Many rowers have found that training with Rojabo helps them achieve their goals. The service, developed by Danish elite rowers, has been running for many years already, and is thus tried and tested by large numbers of rowers from all backgrounds and fitness levels.
At Rowsandall, we want to offer the best data analytics for rowers, and we think that offering access to popular training programs is part of that. Therefore, Rojabo and Rowsandall have decided to offer integration.
If you have a Rojabo plan, you can now import it to Rowsandall, and thus couple your workout data with your planned sessions from Rojabo. It’s pretty easy. The Planned Sessions page contains a new menu item “Import from Rojabo”. The first time you try this, you are redirected to your Rojabo account, where you are asked if you want to give access to Rowsandall. After that, the “Import from Rojabo” link will show your Rojabo workouts list, which you will then be able to import to Rowsandall.
We will probably expand the service in the future and we welcome your ideas on how to improve the integration and expand it with new features.