Last week, I did an unplanned indoor rowing workout at the rowing club. The erg was equipped with a PM3 and I had no way to connect to it and pull data. So I just recorded the row with my Garmin VivoActive 3 wrist watch, which at least gave me reliable stroke rate and time data.
Unfortunately, the heart rate data for wrist worn watches were bad. I did a pretty hard 2k and still my heart rate averaged 86 SPM.
When I stopped the recording, the data were automatically imported to rowsandall.com from Garmin Connect.
Normally, I wouldn’t care too much about incorrect heart rate data, but since I built the Performance Manager, that has changed. The Performance manager uses power and heart rate data to estimate the training impact of the session. In absence of power data, it uses heart rate data. If it cannot find heart rate data either, you can still manually set a Rate of Perceived Exertion (RPE) to the workout, and it will take that.
But this time I had incorrect heart rate data, and I needed a way to get rid of them.
So I built the functionality to erase a column of workout data while keeping everything else. Here’s how it works.
Open the workout from the workout list and look at the menu on the left. If you click open the Data menu, you will see Explore Raw Data. Click on Explore Raw Data and you will get something like this:
You can use the form on the top to see other data columns. By default, it selects time, distance, stroke per minute, pace, power and heart rate. Next to the column header there is an erase link. Click on that and you get to a page which asks you to confirm that you want to irreversibly remove the column of data from the workout:
Think hard if you want to do this, because this step is not reversible (unless you keep a copy of the workout file and reupload it, or reimport from another fitness platform).
Removing heart rate will reset TRIMP and hrTSS values, and removing power data will reset rScore and Normalized Power.
Hopefully, more users will find this useful, but I also hope you don’t need to use this feature very often.