As of January 1st, 2025, we are simplifying the plan and subscription system on, and making more functionality available for free.
Previously, Rowsandall subscriptions came in 5 flavors: Basic (free), Pro, Self-Coach, Coach and Free Coach. Basic users had access to a subset of rowing related metrics and analysis. Pro users had full access. The Self-Coach and Coach and Free Coach plans allowed to create training plans (for yourself, or for your athletes), and monitor your athletes as a coach. The Free Coach plan allowed you to only have athletes on a paid plan.
There weren’t too many users of any of the more expensive plans, mostly because the structure was too complex.
So, we decided to reduce the complexity and basically have only two plans: Basic and Pro.
Basic gets more metrics and analysis, and Pro has everything that Self-Coach and Coach users had previously.
All current Pro plan users will remain on the Pro plan.
All Coach and Self-Coach users will convert to the Pro plan. Their subscription cost will be reduced, and the effect will be immediate. This means that you will be credited for the lower price for the rest of your billing cycle, and the amount you have paid in excess will be credited to your account. Future billing cycles will first charge to this credit, and then to your credit card, while you will still get the full service you paid for.
Of course, our existing Returns and Refunds policy still applies. You can find it here.
Of course, we hope that you like Rowsandall and continue to support the site by paying for the Pro plan. The income is needed to continue paying the costs associated with hosting a rowing data site like, as well as funding ongoing development. With more functionality available for free, we think that we are continuing in the spirit of “Free Data and Analysis. For Rowers. By Rowers.”
Happy Rowing and Happy New Year!