and NK SpeedCoach, NK Empower Oarlock
- October
Posted By : sander and NK SpeedCoach, NK Empower Oarlock

Congratulations, you are the happy new owner of a NK SpeedCoach with Training Pack. You may even have bought an Empower Oarlock. Now, how are you going to get the data out and what are you going to do with the data? This guide tells you how to get the data out and shows you how to take them to the most complete data analysis site for rowers.

This guide is identical for the NK SpeedCoach and the NK SpeedCoach + Empower Oarlock combination. The Oarlock just adds a ton of useful data to stroke rate and GPS speed.

Getting Data out of the NK SpeedCoach

Using a Smartphone with NK LiNK Logbook App

The easiest way to get data out of your NK SpeedCoach is to use a SmartPhone. To prepare, do this:

  1. Install LiNK Logbook app from NK. Click for iOS and for Android
  2. Create an account on NK Logbook

The NK LiNK Logbook app lets you sync the data from your SpeedCoach to the NK cloud, from where you can export them. Once you’ve created the account, this is what you do after a workout. I use the iOS version of NK LiNK Logbook. The Android version follows exactly the same steps:

On the SpeedCoach, enter the Main Menu and select Data LiNK
The SpeedCoach goes into “discoverable” mode
Open the app and click on “Import Sesssions”
The App will search for the NK device
Once the NK device has been found, click on its name


Then, click on “Import” to import the workout(s), and wait until the import is finished.


When the import is finished, click on “Go to Workout Log”


Click on the session that you want to export to


Click on the “cog” icon top right. Click on “Export”
Select “CSV” and click on “Export”. (The FIT file does not contain Empower Oarlock data.)


Select your email app (I use Spark for iOS)


Send the email to In the body of the message you can use simple commands to make a static chart, export to strava etc, and to indicate boat type

Using a smartphone with the NK LiNK app

There is another NK LiNK smartphone app. It’s called NK LiNK (obsolete), and NK does not provide any updates to this app any more. Still some people prefer the user interface of this app, or like the fact that they don’t need an account on the NK Logbook to use this app. Here is an image gallery that shows the steps.

From this point on, select the email app and send off the data.

Using a Personal Computer

To use the SpeedCoach with a PC or MAC, you need to install the LiNK app using the Windows or OS X installer that you can download from this page:

You also need a BLE dongle, which either came with your PC or you can buy one from NK ($30) or elsewhere, for example the compatible BLED112 dongles available on Amazon (starting at $6.99).

After that, just follow this video:

After downloading the CSV file, upload them directly at
